This feature is currently under development and, although not available in the current version, its preliminary documentation is provided to give you a preview of the enhancements that will be included in an upcoming update.

HTTP Operation Type Object DTO Why-DTOs?
(Mutation) openItemSettlement OpenItemSettlementGLDtoInput


The OpenItemSettlement service is designed to manage the settlement of open items in financial accounts, allowing users to adjust payments against outstanding invoices partially or fully.
The purpose of this action is to target open items that have not yet been fully paid (status = NOT_SPECIFIED or PARTIAL) related to a sales invoice.
A total or partial amount for each due date can be specified. The action will then create a bank entry and modify the open items to align them with the elements mentioned in the action.

How to retrieve the IDs of open items?
Open items are readable via accountingEntries/accountingEntryLines/accountingEntryInvoice/openItems.
You can refer to the example Pending Payments of a Specific Customer Invoice by Due Date available in the Postman collection under the Discover DATA LOADER Query Samples section.


Input Parameters

Settlement Details: Specify the details of the settlement.

Open Items: Mandatory, specify the open items and the amounts for settlement.


The service returns a OpenItemSettlementOutputGLDto object containing the following field:

Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?
graphQL Mutation
mutation($input: OpenItemSettlementGLDtoInput!) {
  openItemSettlement(input: $input) {
graphQL Variables
  "input": {
    "entryDate": "2024-01-01",
    "paymentMethodId": "815c1835-90dd-4e62-8504-79a3f97fac67",
    "description": "Full settlement of Invoice IN0022",
    "documentNumber": "IN00022",
    "thirdPartyId": "815c1835-9cb5-4e62-8504-79a3f97fac67",
    "openItemLinkagePaidAmounts": [
            "openItemId": "815c1835-a4e7-4e62-8504-79a3f97fac67",
            "paidAmount": 500
            "openItemId": "815c1835-a647-4e62-8504-79a3f97fac67",
            "paidAmount": 792
Example Response, ID of the Financial accounting Entry Created
  "id": "815c1835-d4e7-4e62-8504-79a3f97fac89"

openItemSettlement Input parameters

Fields Type Description
entryDate Date Date of the entry
paymentMethodId UUID Bank Account and cash Id
description String Description of the settlement action
documentNumber String Reference number for the document
thirdPartyId UUID Third party involved
sessionId UUID Session Id
openItemLinkagePaidAmounts List List of open items and the paid amounts


Fields Type Description
openItemId UUID Unique identifier of the open item to settle.
paidAmount Number Amount paid for the specified open item.

openItemSettlement Response

Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier of the financial entry created
  • sessionId:

    Unused (For Germany only).

    Unused (For Germany only).

    Used only for Germany.