HTTP Operation Type Object DTO Why-DTOs?
Mutation createSalesInvoice SalesInvoiceCreateGLDtoInput
Mutation updateSalesInvoice SalesInvoiceUpdateGLDtoInput
Mutation deleteSalesInvoice SalesInvoiceDeleteGLDtoInput
Query salesInvoices filtered by id Why?  
Query salesInvoices  
Query salesInvoiceLines  
Quick Tips

It is possible to query either salesInvoice or directly from salesInvoiceLines.

  • Querying salesInvoice allows you to retrieve entire documents with all their associated line items.
    This is useful when you need the complete context of a document, including all details of the related lines.
  • Querying salesInvoiceLines directly is beneficial when you want to filter or aggregate specific line item data across multiple documents, such as analyzing product sales, quantities, or prices.

More info API resources overview / 📝some Filter vs. Direct Line Filtering


Both known as Sales Invoices in the API context and in the product interface.
This resource is pivotal for invoicing customers after order fulfillment and serves as a legally binding request for payment.
The Sales Invoices entity leverages both standard and custom fields, allowing businesses to create detailed invoices that include necessary information like customer codes, discounts, product lines, and tax details.
This ensures compliance and contributes to a smoother accounts receivable process.


  1. Create the Invoice and Optionally View or Modify It: Start by creating a sales invoice using the SalesInvoice service.
    Once created, you can view and make any necessary modifications to the invoice before finalizing it.

  2. Close the Invoice to Prevent Further Modifications: Use the CloseSalesInvoice service to confirm the invoice.
    This action locks the invoice, ensuring that its content cannot be changed. This step is essential for securing the invoice details before posting.

  3. Post the Invoice to Generate Accounting Entries: After closing, proceed with posting the invoice using the PostSalesInvoice service.
    Posting the invoice will generate the necessary accounting entries, making the invoice part of the company’s financial records.

  4. View the Invoice’s Payment Due Dates: Check the payment due dates and related information using the SalesInvoiceOpenItems service.
    This allows you to see when payments are expected and track outstanding amounts for the invoice.

  5. Apply Partial or Full Payments to the Invoice: Manage the payments on the invoice by using the SalesOpenItemSettlement service.
    You can apply both partial and full payments, keeping track of amounts paid and any remaining balances.

  6. Generate a Credit Note if Necessary: In case of returns, refunds, or corrections, you can issue a credit note related to the invoice using the generateCreditNote service.

To see examples of mutations that include the adding of Invoice :
download the Postman collection: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman

graphQL Mutation
mutation ($values: SalesInvoiceCreateGLDtoInput!) {  
    createSalesInvoice(input: $values) {
graphQL Variables
  "values": {
    "customerId": "{customerId}",
    "documentDate": "2023-12-05",
    "lines": [
        "productId": "{productId1}",
        "totalQuantity": 50,
        "unitPrice": 11,
        "firstDiscount": 5
        "productId": "{productId2}",
        "totalQuantity": 1,
        "unitPrice": 140
Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?


Common to all documents

Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
General Infos      
customer Customer Fields of Customer  
customerId UUID ID of the Customer entity. No mandatory for Quote  
documentDate DateTime Document Date  
operationalNumber String Document Number 50
status String
  • Pending
  • Closed
  • Posted
  • PartiallyCollected
  • Collected
  • PartiallyOverdue
  • Overdue
socialName String Social Name 50
contactName String Contact Name 50
contactPhone String Contact Phone 15
contactEmail String Contact Email 50
countryAcronym String Country Acronym 2
Invoice Lines      
lines[] Array Document Lines  
Totals and discount      
totalGross Decimal Total Gross  
totalDiscount Decimal Total Discount  
totalNet Decimal Total Net  
discount Decimal Discount  
totalCustomerDiscount Decimal Total discount specific to the customer  
totalLiquid Decimal Total amount due including taxes  
totalVat Decimal Total Vat  
totalVatBase Decimal Total Vat Base  
totalFeeSurcharge Decimal Total Vat Surcharge  
totalVatFee Decimal Total Surcharge Base  
comments String Comments 1000
remarks String Remarks 1000
Customer Information      
documentID String Identification Number 20
vatNumber String Vat Number 20
invoiceEmail String Invoice Email 50
hasEquivalenceSurcharge Boolean Subject to the equivalence surcharge regime  
mainAddress ObjectType Main Address  
deliveryAddress ObjectType Delivery Address  
salesDiscountGroup SalesDiscount Fields of SalesDiscount  
salesDiscountGroupId UUID Sales Discount ID  
salesTariff SalesTariff Fields of SalesTariff  
salesTariffId UUID Sales tariff ID  

Specific to sales invoice documents

Fields Type Description Length
operationDate DateTime Date of operation  
salesOrderNumber String External Order Number 250
Document type  
hasCreditNote Boolean Indicates whether a credit note exists: true/false  
firstDueDate DateTime The first due date for payment of the invoice  
openItems[] Array open Items  

Specific to sales invoice documents type CREDIT_NOTE

Fields Type Description
sourceSalesInvoiceId UUID ID of the invoice if the type is CREDIT_NOTE
sourceSalesInvoice UUID Fields of salesInvoice if the type is CREDIT_NOTE
  • customerId: A unique identifier (UUID) for the Customer entity.
  • discount: Represents the total discount that has been applied to the document.
  • hasEquivalenceSurcharge/totalFeeSurcharge/totalVatFee :

    unused for the French market

    Indicates whether a customer is subject to the equivalence surcharge regime.

    The equivalence surcharge (totalFeeSurcharge), as applied in Spain, is a form of simplified VAT for retail traders who cannot recover VAT.
    The rates of the equivalence surcharge vary according to the VAT rate applicable to the products, with surcharge rates of 5.2% for products with a general VAT of 21%, 1.4% for products with a reduced VAT of 10%, and other rates for different products or categories. The equivalence surcharge is calculated on amount of general VAT (totalVatFee).

    unused for the German market

  • socialName :

    mandatory for the French market

    no mandatory for the Spanish market

    no mandatory for the Germany market

Specific to sales invoice documents

  • operationDate: Represents the date on which the operation related to the sales invoice was carried out (Fulfillment date).
  • salesOrderNumber: This field allows the entry of an order number that has not been entered in Sage Active. Additionally, this field can also accept an external invoice number in the context of importing invoices not entered in Sage Active.
    Default value if not specified : “unspecified”
  • status
    • Pending: (Draft) The invoice can be modified; it has not yet been transferred to accounting.
    • Closed: (Unposted) The invoice can no longer be modified; it was supposed to be transferred to accounting, but the operation failed or was canceled.
    • Posted: (Awaiting collection) The invoice can no longer be modified; it has been transferred to accounting.
    • PartiallyCollected: (Partially collected) The invoice is partially settled. Payments are pending.
    • Collected: (Collected) The invoice is fully settled.
    • PartiallyOverdue: (Partially overdue) The invoice is partially settled. Payments are overdue.
    • Overdue: (Overdue) The invoice is not settled. All payments are overdue.
  • vatNumber :

    mandatory for VIES customers

    no mandatory for Spanish market

    no mandatory for Germany market

  • documentId :

    no mandatory for French market

    mandatory for not VIES customers

    no mandatory for Germany market


Common to all documents

Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Date of creation  
modificationDate DateTime Last modification date  
Product Information      
product Product Fields of Product 36
productId UUID Product ID  
productCode String Product code 15
productName String Product name 100
Tax and Price Information      
totalQuantity Int Quantity product  
unitPrice Decimal Unit price  
totalNet Decimal Net price  
vatPercentage Decimal VAT percentage  
equivalenceSurchargePercentage Decimal Surcharge percentage  
firstDiscount Decimal First discount percentage  

Specific to sales invoice document lines

Fields Type Description Length
salesDeliveryNoteLineId UUID ID of the sales delivery note line  


  • firstDiscount: Various levels of discounts applicable to the document line. These are optional fields and are usually filled in based on promotional schemes or contractual obligations.

  • productId: The unique identifier for the product. Automatically filled when selecting a product.

  • vatPercentage: The percentage of Value Added Tax (VAT) applicable to this line. Important for accounting and for generating accurate invoices.
  • equivalenceSurchargePercentage: The percentage of equivalence surcharge applied in Spain .

Specific to sales invoice document lines

  • salesDeliveryNoteLineId: The unique identifier for the delivery note line that is associated with this sales invoice line.


An Open Item is a financial transaction that allows you to know if it has been fully settled or paid.
Each open item includes detailed information such as the total amount, accumulated amount paid, and the payment due date.

For a single invoice, there can be as many open items as there are different payment installments, which is why openItems is structured as an array to accommodate multiple entries per invoice.

The payment status provides insight into the progress of settling each item.
Additionally, the identifier of the payment method used is provided to track the settlement method.


Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier of the item
amount Decimal Total amount of the item
creationDate DateTime Creation date of the item
modificationDate DateTime Last modification date of the item, null if not modified
paidAmountAccumulated Decimal Accumulated amount that has been paid
dueDate DateTime Due date for the payment
Status of the payment
paymentMean PaymentMean Fields of PaymentMean
paymentMeanId UUID Identifier of the payment method used
  • amount : Total amount due for the open item.
  • creationDate : Indicates when the item was initially created.
  • modificationDate : Timestamp of the last update to the item, null if no updates have been made.
  • paidAmountAccumulated : Total amount that has been paid towards the item up to the current date.
  • dueDate : Date by which the payment for the item is due.
  • status: Represents the current status of the payment, indicating the extent to which the item has been settled. The possible values are:
    • NOT_SPECIFIED: No specific payment status has been detailed.
    • COLLECTED: Payment has been fully collected from customers.

    • PARTIAL: Payment for the item has been made partially.


Common to all documents

Do not use the addresses[] array.
Instead, use mainAddress for the primary address and deliveryAddress for the delivery address.
Each of these objects contains only one address, representing a singular primary or delivery address, respectively.

Fields Type Description Length
countryId UUID Country Id  
country String Fields of Country  
countryIsoCodeAlpha2 String Country Code 2
countryName String CountryName  
name String Code 50
firstLine String First Line 35
secondLine String Second Line 35
city String Town 35
zipCode String Postal Code 9
province String Province 25
  • countryIsoCodeAlpha2 : ISO2 country code.
    This field can be used for creation and serves as a simple alternative to assign the country of the address by using the ISO2 code directly, rather than the country ID in the Countries resource.